Wayang Kulit Kebudayaan Asli Indonesia.

Kesenian wayang dalam bentuknya yang asli timbul sebelum kebudayaan Hindu masuk di Indonesia dan mulai
berkembang pada jaman Hindu Jawa. Pertunjukan Kesenian wayang adalah merupakan sisa-sisa upacara keagamaan
orang Jawa yaitu sisa-sisa dari kepercayaan animisme dan dynamisme. Menurut Kitab Centini, tentang asal-usul
wayang Purwa disebutkan bahwa kesenian wayang, mula-mula sekali diciptakan oleh Raja Jayabaya dari Kerajaan
Mamenang / Kediri.
Sektar abad ke 10 Raja Jayabaya berusaha menciptakan gambaran dari roh leluhurnya dan digoreskan di atas daun
lontar. Bentuk gambaran wayang tersebut ditiru dari gambaran relief cerita Ramayana pada Candi Penataran di Blitar.
Ceritera Ramayana sangat menarik perhatiannya karena Jayabaya termasuk penyembah Dewa Wisnu yang setia,
bahkan oleh masyarakat dianggap sebagai penjelmaan atau titisan Batara Wisnu. Figur tokoh yang digambarkan untuk
pertama kali adalah Batara Guru atau Sang Hyang Jagadnata yaitu perwujudan dari Dewa Wisnu.

Sumber : www.jawatengah.go.id

Wayang Kulit (Purwa)

Biasa dibuat dari kulit kerbau atau kulit lembu, wayang kulit yang juga sering dikenal sebagai wayang purwa telah
menjadi salah satu warisan budaya nasional dan sudah sangat terkenal di dunia. Sehingga banyak wisatawan asing
yang datang untuk mempelajari seni wayang kulit ini, karena tergolong unik. Merupakan jenis wayang yang paling
dikenal, hingga saat ini pertunjukan wayang kulit pun masih menjadi salah satu tontonan menarik yang digemari oleh
masyarakat Yogyakarta.

Kesenian ini menggunakan sebuah layar besar dan lakonan wayang tersebut dimainkan dibalik layar putih tersebut,
sehingga para peniknat tontonan ini serasa menonton film kartun ataupun film-film di bioskop. Penggunaan layar in
berasal dari masuknya pengaruh Islam ke dalam kebudayaan Indonesia, terutama Jawa. Wayang yang pada awalnya
berbentuk boneka yang terbuat dari kayu dan dinamakan wayang golek, dilarang dipertunjukkan karena hukum Islam
melarang penggambaran bentuk dewa-dewi dalam bentuk manusia (boneka). Ketika Raden Patah dari Demak ingin
menonton pertunjukan wayang, para pemimpin Islam ini pun melarangnya. Sebagai jalan keluar, para pemimpin Islam ini
merubah bentuk wayang menjadi wayang kulit. Pertunjukannya pun melalui media layar, sehingga yang terlihat hanya
bayangannya, bukan bentuk aslinya.

Pertunjukan wayang kulit diatur dan dijalankan oleh seorang dalang yang menggerakkan dan mengisi suara-suara tokoh
dalam perwayangan tersebut. Yang menarik, ketika pertunjukan wayang kulit berjalan, di tengah-tengahnya biasanya
diselingi dengan “goro-goro”, semacam pertunjukan dengan pemain manusia, dan membawakan cerita-cerita lucu.
Pertunjukan kesenian wayang kulit ini di adakan semalam suntuk hingga fajar menyingsing. Bahkan tidak jarang
pertunjukan wayang kulit ini diadakan selama tujuh hari tujuh malam.

Pertunjukan wayang kulit ini biasanya mengambil cerita dari kisah Ramayana, Mahabarata, ataupun Serat Menak. Selain
pertunjukan yang membawakan kisah-kisah besar, wayang kulit juga menyajikan kisah Punakawan, yang lakonnya
terdiri dari Semar, Bagong, Petruk, dan Gareng. Dalam pertunjukan yang menggunakan Punakawan ini, biasanya cerita
yang diangkat adalah seputar masalah-masalah saat ini.

Bentuk wayang kulit ini pun berbeda antar daerah. Di daerah Jawa Tengah dan Jogja, wayang kulit dibuat dengan
bentuk yang sangat terencana dan dengan tingkat keabstrakan yang tinggi. Bentuk yang tipis, anggota tubuh yang
indah, mata berbentuk buah almond, serta hidung mancung untuk menandakan kebangsawanan. Di Bali, bentuk wayang
kulit lebih nyata. Sedangkan wayang kulit di Lombok memiliki benda-benda masa kini, seperti mobil ataupun pesawat

Pada awalnya, dalam pertunjukan wayang kulit, digunakan lampu minyak atau blancu untuk memunculkan bayanganbayang
pada layar katun yang tersedia. Walau saat ini blancu masih digunakan, tapi banyak pertunjukan wayang telah
menggantinya dengan spotlight. Walaupun begitu, peminat wayang kulit ini masih tetap banyak.(yds)

Source : www.trulyjogja.com/index.php?action=news.detail&cat_id=7&news_id=196
Wisata Parlemen Jawa Timur
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Sejarah Reog Ponorogo.

Salah satu ciri khas seni budaya Kabupaten Ponorogo Jawa Timur adalah kesenian Reog Ponorogo. Reog, sering diidentikkan dengan dunia hitam, preman atau jagoan serta tak lepas pula dari dunia mistis dan kekuatan supranatural. Reog mempertontonkan keperkasaan pembarong dalam mengangkat dadak merak seberat sekitar 50 kilogram dengan kekuatan gigitan gigi sepanjang pertunjukan berlangsung. Instrumen pengiringnya, kempul, ketuk, kenong, genggam, ketipung, angklung dan terutama salompret, menyuarakan nada slendro dan pelog yang memunculkan atmosfir mistis, unik, eksotis serta membangkitkan semangat.

Legenda Cerita Reog.

Menurut legenda Reog atau Barongan bermula dari kisah Demang Ki Ageng Kutu Suryonggalan yang ingin menyindir Raja Majapahit, Prabu Brawijaya V. Sang Prabu pada waktu itu sering tidak memenuhi kewajibannya karena terlalu dipengaruhi dan dikendalikan oleh sang permaisuri. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah barongan yang terbuat dari kulit macan gembong (harimau Jawa) yang ditunggangi burung merak. Sang prabu dilambangkan sebagai harimau sedangkan merak yang menungganginya melambangkan sang permaisuri. Selain itu agar sindirannya tersebut aman, Ki Ageng melindunginya dengan pasukan terlatih yang diperkuat dengan jajaran para warok yang sakti mandraguna. Di masa kekuasaan Adipati Batorokatong yang memerintah Ponorogo sekitar 500 tahun lalu, reog mulai berkembang menjadi kesenian rakyat. Pendamping Adipati yang bernama Ki Ageng Mirah menggunakan reog untuk mengembangkan kekuasaannya.

Reog dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana mengumpulkan massa dan merupakan saluran komunikasi yang efektif bagi penguasa pada waktu itu. Ki Ageng Mirah kemudian membuat cerita legendaris mengenai Kerajaan Bantaranangin yang oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Ponorogo dipercaya sebagai sejarah. Adipati Batorokatong yang beragama Islam juga memanfaatkan barongan ini untuk menyebarkan agama Islam. Nama Singa Barongan kemudian diubah menjadi Reog, yang berasal dari kata Riyoqun, yang berarti khusnul khatimah yang bermakna walaupun sepanjang hidupnya bergelimang dosa, namun bila akhirnya sadar dan bertaqwa kepada Allah, maka surga jaminannya. Selanjutnya kesenian reog terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Kisah reog terus menyadur cerita ciptaan Ki Ageng Mirah yang diteruskan mulut ke mulut, dari generasi ke generasi.

Reog mengacu pada beberapa babad, Salah satunya adalah babad Kelana Sewandana. Babad Klana Sewandana yang konon merupakan pakem asli seni pertunjukan reog. Mirip kisah Bandung Bondowoso dalam legenda Lara Jongrang, Babad Klono Sewondono juga berkisah tentang cinta seorang raja, Sewondono dari Kerajaan Jenggala, yang hampir ditolak oleh Dewi Sanggalangit dari Kerajaan Kediri. Sang putri meminta Sewondono untuk memboyong seluruh isi hutan ke istana sebagai mas kawin. Demi memenuhi permintaan sang putri, Sewandono harus mengalahkan penunggu hutan, Singa Barong (dadak merak). Namun hal tersebut tentu saja tidak mudah. Para warok, prajurit, dan patih dari Jenggala pun menjadi korban. Bersenjatakan cemeti pusaka Samandiman, Sewondono turun sendiri ke gelanggang dan mengalahkan Singobarong. Pertunjukan reog digambarkan dengan tarian para prajurit yang tak cuma didominasi para pria tetapi juga wanita, gerak bringasan para warok, serta gagah dan gebyar kostum Sewandana, sang raja pencari cinta.

Versi lain dalam Reog Ponorogo mengambil kisah Panji. Ceritanya berkisar tentang perjalanan Prabu Kelana Sewandana mencari gadis pujaannya, ditemani prajurit berkuda dan patihnya yang setia, Pujangganong. Ketika pilihan sang prabu jatuh pada putri Kediri, Dewi Sanggalangit, sang dewi memberi syarat bahwa ia akan menerima cintanya apabila sang prabu bersedia menciptakan sebuah kesenian baru. Dari situ terciptalah Reog Ponorogo. Huruf-huruf reyog mewakili sebuah huruf depan kata-kata dalam tembang macapat Pocung yang berbunyi: Rasa kidung/ Ingwang sukma adiluhung/ Yang Widhi/ Olah kridaning Gusti/ Gelar gulung kersaning Kang Maha Kuasa. Unsur mistis merupakan kekuatan spiritual yang memberikan nafas pada kesenian Reog Ponorogo.

reog adalah kesenian asli indonesia untuk negara lain yang mengambil hak cipta reog itu salah besar karena reog warisan nenek moyang indonesia.jadi untuk negara yang mengambil hak cipta kesenian dari negara lain adalah negara yang gak berbudaya...
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Beach Kuta In Bali.

Kuta has traveled from slave port to stardom. This is where modern tourism in Bali all started and it’s still the most happening place of all.

With the building of the airport in Bali, Kuta became a firmly established part of the “Hippy Trail” and the Balinese responded with smiles, homestays and other simple accommodation, and eateries. From this small sleepy village with a white sand beach and good surf grew the Kuta of today which extends 8-10 km northeast of the airport and includes the villages of Tuban, the three villages of Legian, Seminyak, Basangkasa and now Petitenget, with hotels, resorts and restaurants virtually lining the length of the beach.

It’s been fashionable for many years now to decry Kuta for its brashness, crassness and chaos, but the fact remains that the most cosmopolitan and interesting people are to be found here. Like it or not, this is 21st Century Bali, warts and all, without the sanitisation of the more planned areas.

But even in central Kuta you can find quiet hotels and intimate restaurants, and while the beach may be crowded in pockets, most of it is virtually empty, even in peak season. This is where you will find the widest range of accommodation and the best shopping, from trinkets to well-priced designer wear to elegant homewares and exquisitely crafted furniture.

You'll also find the best variety of eating and nightlife: The beachside Hard Rock Café; the tired 24 hour Mamas; the noisy unsophisticated drinking holes such as Sari Club and Flanagans in Central Kuta; the earsplitting beachside 66 (Double Six) Disco; the trendy bars and restaurants of Seminyak; and the air-conditioned cigar bar of KuDeTa restaurant in Petitenget.

Chaos and traffic notwithstanding, the Kuta area has it all. As the parts that make up the whole have their own distinct characteristics we list them going north/west along the beach from the airport. The divisions are not exact but close enough for our purposes.

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Bali Map

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Bledug Kuwu In Grobogan.

Bledug Kuwu is one of tourist attractions in Wirosari area in Grobogan Region, Purwodadi, Central Java. Bledug Kuwu is a local name for something that burst in pool. This is rather strange pool that far from volcano. The vapor burst came from carbon dioxide release. The temperature is mild. Visitors might experience a stunning natural occurrence of small, frequent bursts from mud crate with a sound resembling a mount eruption. This natural phenomenon is resulted from geothermal motion inside the earth bed. Witness said that a big burst could even create small quakes that quiver the area.

Bledug Kuwu looks like just another muddy pond. But every one or two minutes, the placid water erupts in an explosion of mud, followed by a plume of white steam. The pond is located just off the alternative road connecting Purwodadi and Cepu in Central Java, on a site measuring some 4.5 hectares. Bledug Kuwu has become a tourist attraction in the area. The visitors can watch the geyser from a distance of between 10 meters and 20 meters. The eruptions of water and mud shift positions from time to time. But there are two spots where the geyser regularly erupts. The locals call the one in the east Mbah (Grandpa) Jokotua and the one in the west Mbah (Grandma) Rodenok. They have given the spots where the geyser erupts names, as they believe that the place is sacred.
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Dieng Plateau.

Dieng Volcanic Complex (also called the Dieng Plateau) is a complex volcano. A complex volcano is an extensive assemblage of spatially, temporally, and genetically related major and minor volcanic centers with the associated lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. This is another place worth visiting in Central Java, situated around 2000 m above sea level and 100 km from Borobudur. This area northwest of Yogyakarta is in the volcanic mountains and over 2,000 meters elevation. The name "Dieng" means "abode of the gods." There the visitor can find restarted temples build around year 800, colorful lakes and steaming ones. On the road we will see how the farmer use all the land available by using terraces. It's also fresher up here and we are almost above the clouds. The plateau, located 2,093 meters above sea level, offers two sunrises, the golden sunrise and the silver sunrise. Both are equally amazing natural phenomena. The golden sunrise refers to the first sunrise between 5:30 and 6 a.m. It is said to be golden because of its sparkling golden red color. We can enjoy this sunrise from a viewing post at a height of 1,700 meters above sea level in Wonosobo. The place, located in a mountainous area, is easily accessible because the roads leading to this area are all paved.

After savoring the beauty of the double sunrise, a natural phenomenon perhaps found only on Dieng Plateau, we could still enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. Walk about 10 minutes over a distance of some two kilometers to the southeast of the temple where there is a colorful lake. From the top of a hill the lake reflects a greenish yellow color, the reflection of the sulfate acid that the lake water contains. Beside this colorful lake there is another lake with pristine water. Locals call it the mirror lake because the water is very clear. The surface of the lake water also reflects sunlight. Unfortunately, this beautiful morning panorama is slightly impaired by the rampant felling of trees around the lakes. Unless the tree feeling is checked, this beautiful panorama will soon vanish for good.

Beside the beautiful panorama above, there is also small monuments, which are not more than 50 feet high stand on a crater floor amidst sulfurous fumes and underlined by the presence of a few of the starkest Shivaite temples at an elevation of more than 6.000 feet, are impressive. The site is located four hours from Semarang. In this site, the visitor will see some of the oldest Hindu temples of Java. On the way to the Dieng Plateau, visitors will pass through tobacco plantations and beautiful mountain scenery. This area can reach about four hours from Semarang, the site of some of the oldest Hindu temples on Java. These 50m-foot high monuments stand on a crater floor amidst sulfur fumes. The road to the Dieng Plateau passes through tobacco plantations and beautiful mountain scenery.
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Gedong Songo Tample.

This is a resort on the slope of mount Ungaran, about 900 meters above sea level. Gedong Songo (nine buildings), a group of small 8th century Hindu Javanese temples, can be reached either by car or on horseback from the town. Built at about the same time as the temples of the Dieng complex, Gedong Songo is one of the most beautifully sited temple complexes in Central Java and the views alone are worth the trip. Gedung Songo ('Nine Buildings') belong to the earliest antiquities of Java, they follow up the temples on the Dieng Plateau directly, for what about time. They were also built high in the mountains in an area full with volcanic activity; and they were also from Hinduist origin. But where the temples on Dieng Plateau are somewhat squeezed into a foggy valley, Gedung Songo are spread over the higher parts of the mountains, which guarantee a splendid view. On clear days, the horizon is one long row of volcanoes, from mount Lawu in the east, towards mount Sumbing, mount Sundoro and Dieng Plateau in the west.

The temples were built between 730 and 780, the first temple excepted, which could have been built some 30 years later. Gunung Songo is not the original name and also doesn't point at the number of structures. The number nine has a special meaning in the Javanese culture, in which there is a strong attachment to numbers. The temples are located at about the same distance from each other (100 meters, 200 meters) on a naturally formed terrace of edge of a mountain.
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Bengawan Solo In Surakarta.

This longest river in Java flows along the eastern edge of the town from its source in the lime stones hill of the south, near East Java border to its mouth nearby Surabaya, on the Java sea. Regretfully, the river is now shallow it is not navigable anymore. But in the past it was an important link between Solo and the north cost of East Java. It length is 600 km flowing in 2 provinces which are Central Java Province and East Java Province with the irrigation width 16.000 km2, was the biggest and the main river basin area. It rises on the slope of Mount Lawu volcano (10,712 feet [3,265 m]) and the southern limestone range (Sewu Mountains) and flows north, then east to discharge into the Java Sea at a point opposite Madura Island, northwest of Surabaya. In recent 30 years development of irrigation facility at the Bengawan Solo river area have reach a significant level of development. This was mark by the completed of irrigation building, which still in progress or even have been built such as reservoir, dam, dike, irrigation net, and others. Investment have been spent to reach this development level is very big. Those buildings have functions as a flood controller, Hydraulic Power Generator, water supply for farming, industry, drink water, fishery, and others.

There is a well-known song 'Bengawan Solo' composed by Mr. Gesang. In the central Javanese city of Solo, a statue of Gesang Martohartono looks over the gently flowing Bengawan Solo, or Solo River. It was the famous Indonesian singer-songwriter Gesang, who composed the celebrated Indonesian melody "Bengawan Solo" during World War II -- when the country was under Japanese occupation. The song describes the legendary river in a poetic and nostalgic way, that it is surrounded by mountains, its sources are near the city of Surakarta, that it ends in the sea, and that the merchant class always makes use of it. It is in the local Keroncong style, a popular folk style with influences from Portuguese. The Japanese, who occupied the country during World War II, brought the song with them to Japan after returning from the war. There, and also in the rest of Asia and later worldwide, the song became very famous.
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Borobudur Tample In Magelang.

Buddhist marvel of stone standing in the garden of Java, Indonesia
The Borobodur Temple complex is one of the greatest monuments in the world. It is of uncertain age, but thought to have been built between the end of the seventh and beginning of the eighth century A.D. For about a century and a half it was the spiritual centre of Buddhism in Java, then it was lost until its rediscovery in the eighteenth century.
The structure, composed of 55,000 square meters of lava-rock is erected on a hill in the form of a stepped-pyramid of six rectangular storeys, three circular terraces and a central stupa forming the summit. The whole structure is in the form of a lotus, the sacred flower of Buddha.
One of the ninety-two Dhyani Buddha statues enclosed in stupas
For each direction there are ninety-two Dhyani Buddha statues and 1,460 relief scenes. The lowest level has 160 reliefs depicting cause and effect; the middle level contains various stories of the Buddha's life from the Jataka Tales; the highest level has no reliefs or decorations whatsoever but has a balcony, square in shape with round walls: a circle without beginning or end. Here is the place of the ninety-two Vajrasattvas or Dhyani Buddhas tucked into small stupas. Each of these statues has a mudra (hand gesture) indicating one of the five directions: east, with the mudra of calling the earth to witness; south, with the hand position of blessing; west, with the gesture of meditation; north, the mudra of fearlessness; and the centre with the gesture of teaching.
Devotional practice of circumambulate around the galleries and terraces.
Besides being the highest symbol of Buddhism, the Borobodur stupa is also a replica of the universe. It symbolises the micro-cosmos, which is divided into three levels, in which man's world of desire is influenced by negative impulses; the middle level, the world in which man has control of his negative impulses and uses his positive impulses; the highest level, in which the world of man is no longer bounded by physical and worldly ancient desire.
It is devotional practice to circumambulate around the galleries and terraces always turning to the left and keeping the edifice to the right while either chanting or meditating. In total, Borobodur represents the ten levels of a Bodhisattva's life which he or she must develop to become a Buddha or an awakened one.
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Prambanan Tample In Jogja - Klaten.

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan Temple is located some 17 km from Yogyakarta. Tourists can't miss the temple because it is only a hundred meters off the main street. The Sanjaya Dynasty built this 47 meters high Hindu temple in the 9th century. It consists of three courtyards. The main temple is located in the inner courtyard and surrounded by several small temples called "perwara" temples. Local chieftains, as a token of their acquiescence to the king, contributed some of these.
As a Hindu temple the main temple has three shrines, dedicated to the Hindu trinity. Ciwa, Vhisnu, and Brahma. Each of these shrines is facing a smaller shrine for their vehicles. The cow Nandi is the vehicle of Ciwa the Destroyer God. The eagle Garuda is the vehicle of Vhisnu the Guardian God. And the swan Angsa is the vehicle of Brahma the Creator God.
Entering the main temple from the north, one will find a statue of a very beautiful princess, Roro Jonggrang. According to the legend, Roro Jonggrang was the daughter of King Boko, which was cursed into a statue. The legend also says that a young powerful man named Bandung Bondowoso wanted to marry Roro Jonggrang. Since she doesn't love him, Roro Jonggrang tried to avoid the marriage by asking Bandung Bondowoso a present. She would only marry him if Bandung were really a powerful man. To prove the power Bandung was asked to build a thousand temples in one night. Having supernatural power, Bandung has almost successfully finished his task, but Roro Jonggrang prevents this excellent achievement. Jonggrang asked the maidens of the east village of the temples to burn the hay and pound the rice in order to cause the situation like dawn time for sunrise.
So when the cocks begin to crow, all the supernatural beings flee away because they think it was already dawn. Being unable to control his anger, Bandung Bondowoso curses Roro jonggrang into a statue that now completes the temple. The relief carved around the foot of Civa Temple depicts heavenly creatures, symbolizing the cosmic system. Entering the temple from the east and walking around the sub base of the temple with the main shrine on the right (Pradaksina). Tourists will see the whole relief of the story of the Brahma Temple. The story of Kresnayana, which tells the childhood of Prabu Kresna, can be seen on the balustrade of the Vishnu Temple.
From May-October, at full moon, the Story of Ramayana is usually presented in the evening from 19.30-21.30. Being a traditional dance, it is performed on an open-air stage to the west of the temple.
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Candi Mendut (Mendut Temple) In Magelang.

Candi Mendut (Mendut Temple) is 3 kilometers eastward from Borobudur Temple. It is a Buddhist temple, built in 824 A.D. by King Indera of Cailendra dynasty.

There are three big statues inside, they are:
Cakyamuni sitting in cross legged pose with dharma cakra mudra (= turning the wheel of dharma hand pose)
Awalokiteswara, a bodhi satwa as human being helper.
Awalokiteswara is a statue with Amitabha on her crown, Vajrapani. She is holding a red lotus and put on her palm.
Maitreya, a savior of human beings in the future.

There are stories for children on its walls.

Candi Mendut (Mendut Temple) is frequently used to celebrate the Waisak day every May full moon and the pilgrims from Indonesia and all parts of the world come to this ceremony.

It is older than Candi Borobudur. Its architecture is square, and having an entrance on its steps. Its roof is also square and terraced. There are stupas (= bell-shaped structures) on it.

original link : http://www.yogyes.com/en/yogyakarta-tourism-object/candi/mendut/

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Tourism Waduk Gajah Mungkur In Wonogiri

Waduk Gajah Mungkur located in 35 km to south from Solo direction, precisely in wonogiri regency. Territorial water of this artificial lake finish region for the width of 7 subdistrict. Start builded in end of 1970 and start to operate on 1978. Ex of Resident which their palce used for this lake removing with transmigration " Bedhol Deso " to Sitiung, regional of bengkulu Provinsi . Representing one tourism object pledge of Wonogiri. Waduk Gajah Mungkur width is 83 km2 and used to accomodate overflowing water of the rain every year, as well as as source to irrigate rice field. Experienced view around the Waduk Gajah Mungkur is very beautiful. There are recreation water in this location likes fishing, jet propulsion ski, tourism boat and surfboard . The Others all of that, you can also enjoy to sport float to drape ( Gantole). In Waduk Gajah Mungkur there a hill which is by citizen of Wonogiri referred as " Bukit Hollywood ".
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‘Visit Indonesia Year 2008′ In The Works

In a concrete effort to finally do something to improve the country’s tourism fortunes, the government is set to stage a “Visit Indonesia Year” in 2008.

As part of the drive to improve visitor numbers, improvements will also be made to basic infrastructure in some of the country’s top tourist destinations.

The official announcement of the campaign, the second that will be held by the country after an earlier one in 1992, will be made next month, and will kick off a months’ long promotion campaign, the Culture and Tourism Ministry’s director general of marketing, Thamrin B. Bachri, said Tuesday.

Throughout 2008, the country will stage 100 international-scale events and cultural festivals, with the “visit Indonesia” campaign being timed to coincide with the World Culture Forum 2008.

“We have held meetings with the provincial administrations to outline our plans and ensure that their regions are ready for the events,” Thamrin said.

The ministry, he said, was encouraging them to develop tourist attractions in their respective regions by improving facilities and access to the attractions.

In the first Visit Indonesia Year in 1992, the country boosted foreign tourist arrivals by more than 20 percent to 3.1 million from 2.5 million the previous year.

Thamrin did not say how many visitors were expected to visit Indonesia during next year’s campaign.

For this year, the ministry is hoping to attract 6 million foreign tourists — expected to generate around US$5 billion in foreign exchange earnings — through its “tourism acceleration program”.
Last year, foreign tourist arrivals stood at 4.8 million.

To support the acceleration program and prepare for next year, the ministry has requested additional funding of Rp 158.4 billion (US$17.6 million) from the revised 2007 budget, which is currently under deliberation in the House of Representatives.

The original 2007 budget allocated Rp 982 billion to the ministry.
Of the additional funding, the acceleration program — which includes overseas promotional campaigns and improvements to basic infrastructure, such as roads, and electricity and telephone access in tourist areas — will get the lion’s share of Rp 153 billion.

The planned overseas promotional campaign includes advertising on international television channels, said Culture and Tourism Minister Jero Wacik.

“Advertisements on such TV channels are one of the most effective ways of attracting foreign tourists,” he said, adding that other countries, such as Malaysia and Thailand, spent vast sums on such advertising.

“We will be out of sight of the rest of the world if we don’t take effective and immediate action to raise awareness among overseas tourists that Indonesia is a safe and attractive place to visit.”

Malaysia is targeting 20 million foreign tourists this year through its “Visit Malaysia Year” campaign. The country hosted 17.5 million overseas tourists last year.

Source: www.thejakartapost.com

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