* Tourism gives the community recognition as a good place to visit (6 people thought that) and that this ‘recognition’ makes residents feel proud (1 person) and particularly proud of local guides (1 person).
* Tourism facilitates communication between Inuit and Qallunaat (white people) (6 people identified that). Communication is enhanced when tourists and locals interact (6 people said they had experienced that) and friendships can develop between residents and tourists (4 people recognized that).
* Tourism is an opportunity to educate visitors and to dispel myths about living in the north (8 residents noted that) as well as tourism being a vehicle to showcase Inuit culture and land (6 people thought that).
* Other people noted that: it is good to see tourists enjoying themselves (2 people); it is good for local people to see the cruise ships (1 person); that some tourism jobs allow families to work together (1 person) and that the visitor centre also is used by the community (1 person).