Bit of Science - Ornithoptera Priamus

"Ornithoptera priamus" is a common species of Birdwing Butterfly which lives from New Guinea Islands to Solomon Islands to the East.

We normally find Green-coloured male in mainland New Guinea.
On our last visit to Mioko Island. we have found the Blue-colored species, not knowing that it was one of the unique examples of Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

The Butterfly changes color from Golden-orange in the West Papua to Green in Eastern Half of New Guinea, and change to Blue/Green at this small Mioko Island. Further to the East at Bougainville and Solomon Islands, Blue dominates.

Just as culture is diverse and some 800 different languages are spoken, nature is also very much diverse and different in each islands here; After 15 years of living in this place, I am still amazed at the "Nature's Wonder".

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