The early permanent settlements in and around Konya go back to prehistoric times. The cultures of the Neolithic, Paleolithic and Early Bronze Age can be found within this period of time.
The mounds within which the early settlements are burled are within the borders of Konya. The findings of the Neolithic period have been dug-out during Catalhoyuk excavations. The diggings made in Catalhoyuk revealed that Konya has been an old city of civilization since people started to run a settled life in 7000 B.C. The existence of Ivriz Rock relief, Eflatunpinar, Glistra, Sille St. Elena church is another point which shows that Konya is a centre of hitory and culture.
The Hittite settlements were at Karahoyuk, which lies on the outskirts of Konya today. The archeological excavations have given light to the way of living of those people who lived on this land in those days. The Phrygians, who ended the Hittite domination on Asia Minor, were the migrating tribes form the Thrace. The findings from Aleaddin mound, Karapinar, Gicikisla and Sizma belong to the seventh millennium B.C.. Konya (Cavania) was invaded by the Lycian, Alexander the Great and the Romans. The Roman domination all over Asia Minor was long-lasting and Konya was Iconium then (25 A.D.)
Saint Paul, who landed at Antalya and made his way to the inner parts of Central Anatolia, made her a land of the Ottoman Empire. From there, passed through Antiochia (Yalvac) and came to Iconium. In those days Lystra, Laodica and Sille were the predominant Byzantine settlements. The penetration of Islam into Asia Minor brought the Arabian raids, which were made through Konya. After the Battle of Malazgirt in 1071 a large part of Anatolia including Konya was captured by Seljuk Turks and the dominance of the Eastern Roman Empire began to disappear. Suleyman Shah, the Anatolian Seljuk Sultan, declared Konya the seat of his crown in 1076. In 1080 Iznik was made the capital and in 1097, once more Konya was declared the capital of Anatolian Seljuk Empire staying that way until 1277. Karamanoglu Mehmet Bey took the rule of the Karamanogullari State. The Ottoman Sultan Murad II. captured Konya in 1442 and ended the Karamanogullari rule. Konya enjoyed many estimable years and made herself a notable reputation during the Ottoman reign. Konya was the halting place of Yavuz Sultan Selim during his campaigns to Egypt a Persia. Suleyman the Magnificent and Murad IV. halted in Konya on their way to Baghdad.
The city grew larger a developed rapidly after 1923. The considerably rich background of Konya has been enough to make her to be considered as an open air museum with numerous historical sites and a large number of works of art. Karatay, Meram and Selcuklu districts are up the Konya Metropol.