waterfall sedudo

waterfall sedudo

cation: village ngliman district sawahan

distance from city nganjuk: 32 km
province: east java
accomodations: there

transportation: mini bus

explanation: waterfall sedudo located in village ngliman kec. sawahan. the distance around 30 km southward city mother kab. nganjuk. clean the air and cool. lay in height 1438 m dpl. height iar jump down this around 105 meters. local society stills to trust, waterfall in has strength supra natural. this nature tour location is crowded is visited person in each month syuro. they say existing myth since age mojopahit, in that is trusted brings ageless benediction for one who bathe at waterfall. because in that's, waterfall sedudo used for ritual ceremony yaiu bathes statue in ceremony parna prahista, then the water remainder mempercikan for family so that get welfare benediction and ageless. until now side permkab nganjuk routinely carry out ritual programme bathes sedudo each month syuro. for visitor has been provided space facilities has changed clothes, /toilet bathroom, food sale place. clothes, fruits and souvenir.

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