Welcome to Bumi Reoq Ponorogo

Welcome to Bumi Reoq Ponorogo
Welcome to Bumi Reoq Ponorogo

The Ponorogo Regency was located on South-West of Surabaya.
The distance of the capital of the Ponorogo
regency of this East Java province is about 200 km.
This distance could reached by the land trip by bus
during 5 hours. While , from the capital of the Country Jakarta be at 800 km. From Solo, the city
Central javacould be 3 through Wonogiri or 4 hours
through madiun. Usually Madiun becomes the capital of transit when the travelling person travelled bay the train. In the meantime when they want to travel by the aircraft they could change to plane in Surabaya or Solo.

From the South, could be served by the Pacitan bus route - Ponorogo and Trenggalek - Ponorogo. There are varius sort of the route the rural Transport ( ANGDES ) and urban.
Transpot ( ANGKOT ) In the personally regency. The connected subdistrict with the capital of the regency. Could be said, there was no subdistrict that was not covered by the public's transport. Beside the ANGDES and ANGKOT they also has the pedicab transport, the buggy and the taxi bike.

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